Gender Equality — Happy 30th Birthday Emma Watson

Tade Brunsek
25 min readApr 15, 2020

Ever since I saw her in the first Harry Potter movie, she did impress me. At only 10 years back then, she triggered in me something that I feel even today. 20 years later. She was my idol, teen beauty which every boy would talk to.

After International Women’s Day back in 2015, she changed for me completely. From a “shy” girl, she becomes a woman. A strong woman with even stronger words. But let me break the topic here and continue with a familiar topic that this blog is about.

As gender equality as feminism can be easily explained with the REI theory. For every new reader, I strongly recommend that reads my previous blogs as it applies to every new post of mine. The explanation of gender equality was first sent to Gloria Steinem, one of the modern writers and a writer which Emma choose to read.

The solution to gender inequality — original send to Gloria Steinem

A while ago I send a solution for gender inequality to Mrs. Gloria Steinem. As with other people — J. K. Rowling, Emma Watson, and other influential people — it is really hard to get in contact with them, or better said even impossible.

Today I am posting this solution, which does not only answer to gender inequality but also social regime. If we want to achieve gender equality, we have to achieve equality between all main human motives. And as many may think, there are only a few motives, which we should satisfy within every individual. There are only three motives, that are spread among all of the people, but with different situations, that everyone is living in, there are numerous possible outcomes.

The most important and significant attribute, that has to be completed with every individual is “own wish”, physical and biological desire, and need. If wishes are not satisfied, diseases occur, people get dissatisfied, angry, they develop fear, hatred, selfishness, greed, self-deprecation and other negative forces. All of the weaknesses of character prevail within this individual which are the real reasons for all the consequences and repression that this individual is forced to accept in the real world against the law. (The law sadly does not work in favor of the individual. That is also where people mostly deny his wishes, needs (also biological and physical), and main desires (later addressed as “wishes”), which are in control of two subconscious minds (explained later).

Wishes, desires, and needs, are easier to satisfy as we may think. Everyone thinks here about, nice cars, nice clothes and wealth, etc. This is only a staging role. The wishes of every individual are not this high and someone who wishes something “hard to achieve” is actually saying that he wants to become someone else or become accepted by others. But from REI theory (explained later in this article) and look from an individual, this individual is lacking his own values. Having confidence, being full of himself (not ego-centric), being respectful to yourself and others and at the same time accept others, are the real values, which “fill the hole, that was created inside”. Surrounding material things are only an individuals’ reflection of his interiors (psyche). The more this individual strives for material things, the more stage roles he plays. And because of the lack of the attributes of confidence, fulfillment, happiness, good opinion about himself have never been learned and implemented in the subconscious, the individual tries to replace that with visible and for society valuable things. Since acceptance in now-a-day society is about proving, and the people that cannot prove themselves with values of modern society (titles, business success, high degrees, material possession, any type of wealth, owning a lot of money, etc.), the wishes of the majority of individuals cannot be met.

Because we did not have any literature, which would make inner satisfaction until today, I am here representing the solution to gender equality in a really short version.

1 Introduction

“Until there are comparisons and explanations instead of accepting one another, we just create tension in common conversations. We are still men and women, but we surely do not divide onto men and women, but only on different thinking characters, meaning that there is also a minority of women who think like men and a minority of men who think like women. And all the human characters have their benefits and weaknesses.”

Therefore one human cannot be better than another. We, humans, are still exactly the same with all our weaknesses as this is how we have been designed.

I want to contribute to Mrs. Gloria Steinem with my small script about gender equality. The script below is a solution, how to achieve gender equality, with one of the youngest psychological theories of the human mind and at the same time, the theories which as first successfully eliminate dyslexia. First time in human history. The theory is key to psychology that has been discovered 14 years ago and has to undergo a depth analysis of the men who discovered it. He created a theory that explains the situation on an individual level and gives the same results on a large group such as the social system, from the view of the observer. It does not come to any big differences when we explain a large group of people or individuals. The theory is easy to understand and has been confirmed as working with the first method for eliminating dyslexia on

This article defines the problem of gender inequality in the modern world and provides a solution using the mentioned theory, which we will learn more about in the following paragraph. Even though the article is very itemized, it can make a problem to understand it completely. Especially because the minds are not described in his full description. This, however, should not make any problems to the reader as the most important attributes are mentioned. I recommend reading this article a few times through for better understanding!

2 Background: Theory REI — the theory which I use to create solutions

REI theory is a new model of understanding how our mind works. It is based on the hypothesis that our mind does not operate as one, but three autonomous minds — one conscious and two subconscious that continuously cooperate to achieve our own, individual perception of the world. The three minds process all information that our body perceives from its surroundings. The author has named the processor’s Reason (R), Emotion (E) and Instinct (I). R is the logical, analytical thought processor that provides awareness and represents the part of our thinking that is based on understanding. It deals with information based on concepts and formulations, it looks for connections and discovers causes, understands numbers and time. Emotion (E in REI), the first of our subconscious minds, operates based on images/visual processes and communicates in pictures. Finally, Instinct (I in REI) is the second of our subconscious minds, which is wary, suspicious, critical and communicates through feelings linked with various fears which have been experienced in the past and as such, it tries to the eliminate combinations of behavior that may have a perceivably negative outcome.

All three processors are equal in terms of processing thought quality, each having its own special area of activity. The three minds operate as independent systems and each one wants to predominate. However, due to their autonomy, one operation is often interfering with the other two. Conflicting situations are therefore created due to the differences in their functioning. Even though the minds fight for control they cannot survive without one another and, even though each is in charge of a different area, one of them can completely overrule the other two. The power ratio between the three minds forms while we grow up, and this, in turn, defines our character for the rest of our lives. These combinations can be organized such that any one of the minds can occupy the first place as the main ‘ruler’, while the other two are left with subordinate roles; alternatively, two minds can occupy first place together, and only one remains in a subordinate position; finally the power can be distributed such that one mind is most important, the second moderately important, and the last least important. The Twelve Combinations of Three Mental Processors.

The size of the letter corresponds to the hierarchy of the processor importance within a particular individual with the biggest letter showing the dominant processor. The bottom line shows combinations that have two equally important processors denoted by letters of the same size.

REI theory is the first psychological model that allows detailed insight into the functioning of our mind, from which it is possible to derive the basic elements of our thoughts and links between them. It provides an understanding of the psychological conditions and disorders, operating methods for their elimination and synthesis of lifelong solutions to treat dyslexia. There are a number of other psychological models based on the three-sided operation of our mind. Plato spoke of three-parted soul (Intellectual, emotional and desire). Sigmund Freud’s tripartite structural system is the most famous in modern psychology, where he attempted to explain the functioning and dynamics of the human psyche through Id, Ego, and Superego. A well known and widely used model was presented by Dr. Eric Berne, author of transactional analysis. His model is based on components or the ego state of Child-Parent–Adult.

Tripartite psychological model is the basis and starting point of REI theory, but later it is upgraded through a very important element. Theory REI is introducing an important feature, which other models do not contain. It is essential to understand the differences between the human characters and combinations of power relationships between the three cognitive processors, which are established in adolescence and remain unchanged throughout life.

It is important to understand the significance of one mind in relation to the other, namely if a certain mind is superior, inferior, or equivalent in relation to the other two. In this way, we can put together twelve different combinations (power relations) that represent twelve completely different ways of processing. These twelve combinations represent twelve human characters. The picture above shows a total of twelve combinations of three minds. The size of the letters indicates the importance of an individual mental processor. It is crucial for psychological research to identify relationships between cognitive processors (characters), as each mode represents a completely different processing mode of information. The study of the human psyche makes sense only if it is carried out within the same characters because, without this understanding, we are comparing entities that are essential without an appropriate comparison.

The definition of minds are brand new and cannot be explained with the already known meaning of the words Reason, Emotion and Instinct. The most important features of the three thinking processors therefore are:

  • They are autonomous — opposing one another
  • Every human possesses all three of them — 1 conscious and 2 subconscious minds
  • All three processors (minds) have their own advantages and disadvantages, so none is better than others, and the same result goes also for 13 different human characters
  • Every mind as every character has two different states — it can be in a state of being satisfied or dissatisfied (accepting or denying). Regarding those state, the human is also behaving
  • Every mind is living his own truth by knowing only his own world; also, therefore, he is enforcing his own will to the common world as the only right truth
  • The power of predominating (having right), is the power that no mind is capable of resisting
  • Each mind has its own special area of activity
  • The power ratio between the three minds forms while we grow up, and this, in turn, defines our character for the rest of our lives
  • Every human on this planet is one of the 13 combinations of thinking, which is a composition of different development of the minds together
  • The development of minds can be: one dominant (ruler) and two insubordinate roles, one dominant (ruler), one moderately important and one least important mind, two dominant (rulers on the first place) and one with the subordinate role, and last, the very rare human character is the one that has all three equally developed minds

The wish (dominance) of every mind is absolute and this is what we have to achieve to make an individual happy — where all the weaknesses automatically (intuitively) disappear. This process is right the opposite as in today’s world, where only 1/4 of people can accept how the world functions, other 3/4 of people cannot accept common rules and are with every day more and more limited.

2.1 Short description of minds:


Instinct is the oldest mind. His world is based on the various fears he associates with everything and every circumstance. He believes evil dominates over good in the world. His primary task is to protect, so his activity is directed towards identifying danger in the environment. His defense is to flee. Instinct is extremely cautious, suspicious, and usually pessimistic. His key motive is envy. He’s hard-working, conscientious, creative, and curious by nature. Instinct is reserved and the most emotional among the minds because he gets strongly attached to those close to him out of fear of losing them. He more often rules women.


Emotion is the opposite of Instinct. He thinks in pictures, which he combines into mosaics and then connects into a whole. He believes good dominates over evil in life. His primary task is to identify others who are better adapted to the environment than he is. He’s extremely trusting, if not even gullible, and sees everything through rose-colored glasses. He yearns for new experiences, likes to travel, is sociable, and can be frivolous, lazy, careless, and irresponsible. He’s an excellent improviser and a born epicure. He must be the center of attention, so his behavior often resembles that of a child. He’s driven by competitiveness, and his defense is to attack. He more often rules men.


Reason is the youngest mind. He’s analytical and rational, which is why he seems deliberate, mature, and grown-up. He tends to anticipate and plan. Reason is the only mind we’re aware of and so we perceive him as consciousness. He controls words and numbers; he’s accurate and consistent, systematic, and calculating. He’s not creative and doesn’t feel sympathy. He’s driven by greed and rules men and women equally often.

3 History evolution of the minds Reason, Emotion and Instinct

Upon the occurrence of life, the environment to the living organism was very dangerous and unfriendly. At the beginning of their development, the organisms were not adapted to the surroundings, which they found themselves in. At first, it only mattered who lives and who does not. Organisms urgently needed the mind, which would help them to survive, to become extremely cautious, hence help them recognize every danger just in time. Under these circumstances, the Instinct was born, who remains a cautious pessimist to this very day, and who sees his key role in protection and survival. That is why he speaks in the language of fear … When Instinct perfected himself, the organisms overcame threats in their environment much easier and their chances for survival were much bigger. Now it is time for improvement. But the organisms have difficulties and very slow progress in improvement with their own mutations … Probably even today, we still are very low developed beings, if it had not come to combining of beneficial mutations. The offspring of successful organisms started to combine the best characteristics of their ancestors, and this was the dictation for the development of totally new mental logic. Such circumstances created Emotion. His key task was to seek the perfect and the best-adapted specimens of the same type and to combine his own genes with theirs. Emotion still remains a social seeker of perfection, consistency, and beauty, a seeker, who is not afraid of anything and craves extremely for discovery. This is why he speaks in pictures and masters the coordination of movements. The new connection of these two minds was successful and the development of organisms evolved — through millions of years — with incredible speed. Soon, many kinds of creatures perfectly adapted to their natural environment and the fight for food and space began. Very fast evolvement also brings greater differences between various kinds, the fight between those started and has not ended yet. Many kinds start an ally but also start a race with their predators. This was the race for a new way of thinking, on a race track, which can plan and foresee and can understand time and space, where goals and strategies are created and thus connects the kinds of the same type, commands them through tasks (to work together against the enemy), … Such circumstances further created Reason. This mind, to this day, maintains characteristics of opportunists, which do not have a conscience. He seeks and predicts, plans and rewards himself. Every Reason also developed his own language — to communicate within his own kind. Our ancestors lived long in mild conditions, in big forests, where they had enough food and the canopies gave them safe shelter. But when it came to climate change, the living in paradise ended. The forests diluted and the streams dried out … Our ancestors were able to withstand the extreme conditions with almost no food nor water only for a short period of time, but even a slight drop in temperature was fatal for them. In addition to the conditions in which they found themselves in, they were not fast or strong, they did not have sharp sight nor good hearing or smell. They did not have dangerous bite nor horns or sharp claws to protect themselves against wild beasts and nature itself. At this very moment, our kind was probably on the edge of survival, but luckily we suddenly developed Reason; His evolvement was so remarkable, that even with our weak physical condition, we overruled all other kinds.

4 The Problem

The main reason, why we feel being contradicted in the eyes of others is that every individual lives in his own world of convictions, beliefs, habits, and knowings and when he finds himself in conversation in which someone else is opposing him, his three minds want to achieve his right. Because all of the human characters strive for power or “having the right”, we started to prove to co-talker, that we are right. This can lead to endless debates or even fights. Without REI theory, we cannot explain good enough the border between one individual and another individual in the same conversation. Because all of our life we experience a different situation. Every human develops his own perception of the world. All of the humans don’t prefer the same values, meaning some people prefer something, which is not preferable to someone else. And there can occur a problem.

The world is a phrase, which is in this script used as a perception of an individual about the things that perceive around himself. A house is a phrase that explains the perceiving of individuals himself. Those two criteria REI theory uses as deciphering individuals’ problems.

REI theory explains why we object one to another, and that is because we use different ways of processing information — the various paths of thinking. A state of individual alone is the belief that his experience is the same as every other. If we add to this the path of thinking of our character — our developed combination of R E I in our character, we get a unique experience. As every individual strives for an explanation of situations, problems, behaviors, outcomes, experiences, problems, knowings, etc., we are convinced by our minds that someone else experiences the same as we. Because our three minds (character — a combination of developed R E I) deciphers someone else situation with our own knowledge, we explain this situation with our own path of processing information. This is called character and there are 13 different characters that exist with REI theory. Because Reason, Emotion, and Instinct create our world so real that we believe that we live in the same world as others, in reality, everything that we perceive is only our individual — not ever seen to others — reality. It can be a human, a brand of a car or model of a cell phone, to as much integrated meaning as religion. Everything that one individual creates meaning about, is a result of the impact of surroundings, parenthood — upbringing, and his own character. REI theory uses an expression for this description: everyone sees his own world.

Everyone is only perceiving his own opinions about others in his own world and the same counts for others. But in your world, there is not anyone else, but only your imagination of others. An imagination we can change.

Example: If two different characters read the same newspaper, the first one will remember the names of important persons, where the other will see pictures about those persons. When they will talk about those newspapers, they will both believe that they know, what others have read, only perceiving was the difference.

Now we have the first time in history the theory which can differentiate that.

5 Defining feminism and gender equality with REI theory

Behind the word “feminism” is a very strong ideal that automatically confronts males, when you speak up. Because every human on this planet believes that we divide into men and women, as this is an obvious and most logical reason, everyone, therefore, thinks of men when we speak about men or women, when we bring up women or female. Because the meaning is hardly encoded in our subconscious minds, whenever we use word feminism, everyone automatically thinks about women. This creates tension — leaves out men population — and this is how our subconscious understands the word feminism. The men that have created hard meaning and ideals in his world about feminism and feminists, will always feel objection. Therefore it is good to explain that feminism does not exclude men, but more likely approaches to gender equality. As men are today in the majority of their abilities and the feeling is, that the patriarchy is leading the world, you can simply explain that the men are not forgotten in word feminism, or I suggest the most objective phrase used already — gender equality. R E I, therefore, uses the original definition of word feminism and divides all human beings onto characters, not gender.

With REI theory feminism has a different meaning than the explanation that people are using. Feminists are women who are thinking with Emotion, mind which the majority of men are using. This is the second row in the picture above. The minority of women who think like men (with Emotion) can sense the same mechanisms as men use: competition, patriarchy, hierarchy, and importance of men work, as with the majority of women, who think with Instinct, does not occur. Because on this planet we can find any of the characters with any gender, we can only divide onto characters. It is pointless to address people as feminists as this only creates tension, because they do not know the distribution of thinking processes (characters), but they will only divide women and men regarding physical appearance.

The gender equality is with REI theory easy explainable. If we take into account that we find every character with women and men, this means that both genders can do any work that we find on the planet today. The division will be only in which characters are more in a group of women and which are more in a group of men. Every mind has their special ability which can execute the most efficient: Reason can be good with numbers, words, time, planning and finding solutions, Emotion is master of muscles, can sense a place and it is good at improvising, arts, acting, and dancing, Instinct can be creative or caring, very hard working and obedient. We would find the majority of Instincts (women), for example, in the kitchen as this is their preferable work. In the same place, we would find a minority of men, who think with Instinct, but we will find most men, who think with Emotion, in sports. As Emotion is directly connected with our muscles and has a good perception of place, we would find most men in work that use those abilities. Because Emotion is also the creator of hierarchy and patriarchy, he will conquer to groups of other Emotions. Women, who think with Emotion, will want to prove themselves in men (Emotion) work — feminists, as this is their area of abilities too. This group will be smaller than the group of men in the same work, but still, with the REI dividing all people to 13 different thinking characters, it is logical.

6 Solution

Therefore we can find any men or women in any work today. With REI theory it is also logical that there will always be most men and a minority of women in politics. As politics is a hierarchical group, it is more preferable to Emotion thinking people (men), as Emotion and Reason play well along as Emotion and Instinct, which are right the opposite.

Politics consist out of Reason thinking people, who create more rules, laws and take most decisions for all of the people. Therefore Instinct and Emotion values are today pushed into the background. Because Instinct and Emotion cannot think like Reason, politics has become through time hardly established Reason group. But the group who prefer only 1/4 of all human values, creates an unrighteous social system.

The Instinct and Emotion values are within Reason groups not accepted and that is why we cannot achieve peace, people become angry (Emotion), envious (Instinct) — because the Reasons system does not accept different thinking characters and create values different than highly beneficial rules. Therefore people are only running for money (Reasons value), instead of their own motive. Because all three minds have their own motive of satisfaction (being happy — not using negative values of own character), money can be only satisfaction for Reasons. Emotions motive is competition and being in the center of attention and Instincts motive is being safe. Suddenly Emotions and Instincts cannot fulfill their wishes without money. Because Reason fools Emotion and Instinct with his own belief about money, everyone on this planet today thinks that solution can be made with the money. This is only thinking that seems logical, but it is not. That is also why Instincts and Emotions become unsatisfied with their life. And out of dissatisfaction comes man hatting, women torturing, control over women on East (because of unsatisfied Emotion), any type of violence, different side effects like gender inequality, institutionalism of children, the bad paycheck of women, high expectations of people, blame, accusations, excessive search for the culprit, people running for money instead of their own motives, etc, … and this is only a start of the list.

Every character prefers the same character for socializing. This is why Reason prefers in his groups only the same thinking people and this is the reason why Emotions and Instincts cannot achieve decisive job places. A social system that would prefer values of all human characters, where everyone can do what is he or she best capable of doing, where none of the values of three main groups will prevail, would be called gender equality system. This does not mean that we would have in any job 50/50 division of gender, but that every character can choose the work which is his area of ability. If we want to establish an equitable system between men and women, we have to establish an equitable system between characters. This means that in the long run, none of those three character motives will prevail one over another. The system would be righteous only if we will represent all the motives of all the characters equally with the social system. Until Reason will have all the threads in his arms, we will see more and more uprisings. Because Emotion is a rule-breaker, all the resistances are started with him. No matter if it’s middle east, Paris or Brussels. The tension between all three minds in the world is dangerously increasing. Because Reason wants to keep leadership in his hands and creates more and more new unfair rules, that are limiting Emotion and Instinct, more and more groups start to establish. Our thinking is that we cannot start a new war, but this is not true. The war occurs, when the minds that are too limited and oppressed by the mind, which values are predominating in the world, want to take over control. And we have now the theory to stop the wars forever and live in peace. You’re the first one on this planet to know about this.

6.1 Solution in practice

One of the bigger problems in today’s society is that Reason is transforming men into women and women into men. Let me explain: considering Reason’s concept it would be only fair to blur the line between men and women as much as possible. This makes sense since Reason is equally distributed with both genders and equally present among both sexes. However, by blurring the line between men and women, Reason destroys the concept of Emotion and Instinct, where the two are differently distributed between men and women. We are not aware that women who behave like men (Emotion) turn off the majority of men, the same is the other way around, where men who behave like “pussies” do not arouse desire in most women. That also is Reason’s goal, trying to suppress all sexual activity, preferably to the point where even conception would only occur in tubes (that it is indeed Reason’s goal, which has already been implemented to a certain degree).

Reason is cunningly addressing this issue under the disguise of “equality”, but whoever understands the role of Emotion in men and the role of Instinct in women, is well aware that in nature there is no discrimination between genders and that women are not subordinated to men and vice versa. If a woman’s main reason is Instinct and she is longing for true love, she should not try to be following Reason’s planning or Emotion’s aggression, she should rather discover the Instinct in herself and if she manages to accept herself, she will become attractive to numerous men and it will not be difficult to choose the right one. This is also true for men who are ruled by Emotion, if they are longing for true love, they should also not try to follow Reasons planning, nor should they try to embrace the role of a groomed prince or a gentleman (Emotion is not a gentleman, he is a tough guy. The role of a gentleman is for men ruled by Instinct, who are a perfect match for women who are ruled by Emotion (masculine women also feminists). A guy who will accept his own world and discover the nature of his Emotion will have no problems with picking up girls.

7 Extract

The theory that I am using to make a solution for gender equality is called REI by first letters in the name of three minds, that we all people think with. They are Reason, Emotion and Instinct, they do not have the characteristics, that you normally think of them, when you read or hear their name! The names should not be explained with the knowledge of the reader. But taken as they are written. Any bit of information our body perceives from its surroundings, whether it’s a word we hear, a picture we see, or a smell we notice, turns into data only when our brain processes the sensory perception. The brain can accept or reject and evaluate everything and turn it in its own way. So every person unconsciously creates his or her own world from the first moment of his or her life and understands it as the only existing truth. But because we all live in our own worlds, we believe that all the other worlds are the same too and, even though we sense there are differences between us, it’s very difficult for us to imagine how extremely different our worlds really are. These differences and the inability to understand them are the source of all the problems we have in our relations with one another. We were aware that our thoughts were created by conscious and unconscious processes. But that wasn’t enough to be able to understand the source of the fundamental differences between us. Up until now, we haven’t realized that three independent systems operate in our brains, which differ strongly from one another in terms of their characteristics and functioning. Each one of them is a mind of its own and each wants to predominate. Even though they fight for control they can’t live without one another and, even though each is in charge of a different area, one of them can completely drown out the other two. The power ratio between them forms while we grow up, and this, in turn, defines our character for the rest of our lives. Anyone of them can rule our world. REI theory explains human motives and is the key to psychology and gender equality is the only side product of results of understanding REI theory. However said in other words, gender equality is the result of what we are doing and was a few times mentioned between all of the solutions to human problems that REI theory offers. Therefore is gender equality so small, that out of hierarchical view of solutions that REI theory can provide, gender equality will be the result of the actions, that are upfront.


This was another, a little bit longer topic of how powerful the REI theory is. I intentionally included a short description of the REI theory and the important attributes.

I think that this was a great opportunity to give Emma a birthday gift. However, even if there is a small chance that she would read it, I still think that other readers can progress in knowledge of the REI theory.

As one of her occasional followers, I become really upset when I heard that she was not having luck in love and with boys. Let me say just that, that I was experiencing quite possibly the same situations throughout my 33 years. Thank God 10 years back I was introduced to this fantastic theory, and it did change my perception completely.

Everyone would say, this is the time to have kids, the time to build or already have a career, a time to have a house or place to stay, to have a shiny car, and a lot of experiences from traveling. And this is what were the expectations of the people around me. I was completely dissatisfied with myself and my life. I did not know what is happening to me until I started to work on myself and discovered that my perception was really fragile. I did not have a psychological position, but I believed everything that I heard.

I think that this time of living is a great time to be alive, but also it is the time, where you have a lot of work to do to find a place where you belong to.

I am the one that wishes to have kids, but I am not laden with the thought about it. I still wish to have a career, but I saw that if you don’t have a high degree of education, you easily manage your wishes. You can prioritize things and show the world that being without ballast and not being directed only in one way you can show people, that you can be also happy and that material thing, being in the center of events, possession does not lead to a satisfying life.

If I could message Emma, I would say this to her: I love how smart you are, I love that you hide and not wish to live a life of a star entirely, I love how strong are you and I completely love your decision about relationships. This only proofs that you want a real thing. I love your every move with hands when you stand up or sit down, and I love your every look. I know that being in a thousand and one dress is silly sometimes and I know that being angry even if you don’t need to be, is inevitable. I know that sometimes feels good to be serious instead of laughing, and I know that this time also comes in relationship. I know that in a relationship you first experience infatuation (falling in love), but after this feeling is over, there should love start, but in most cases don’t. I know your partner will always be way different (better said the opposite of you), but only this is the natural way to experience love.

Therefore: no beauty will exist only on the outside and no warmth is only through a hug. The words do not only describe the meaning, and acts are not only what you give. The beauty exists in the human itself, the warmth can be felt in your view and words get the meaning when those two combine. And there are no beautiful acts as the meaning of the words of a person on a path of love. Happy birthday, Emma!

Emma, I hope we can meet someday to discuss how theory is used in practice!



Tade Brunsek

Truth seeker and a life coach. Music enthusiast and a life lerner.