An Equitable (Fair) Educational System

Tade Brunsek
5 min readJul 28, 2020

Today I would like to talk about our educational system and give you a sight on how would an equitable or fair educational system look through REI theory. We now know, from the introduction post, that people classified themselves in groups by the main thinking processor. According to REI theory in general there exist three main ways of thinking. Reasons, Emotions, and Instincts way (also called logic). Because each for themselves values their own values, groups of people who think the same, are formed.

The group of people who mainly think with Emotion (means their character primarily behaves as characteristics of mind called Emotion, but also posses mind called Reason and mind called Instinct in the subordinate role), will hang out with people who use the same thinking processor. People who mainly think with Reason will be most comfortable in a group of people who favor Reasons characteristics. People who think with Instinct will spend most of their time with the same people, with whom they feel good and safe. As you know out of your life, you prefer to hang out with some people more than others. This is regulated from our three minds Reason, Emotion, and Instinct, it’s just that we didn’t know about them, until today. We intuitively hang out with people who are we comfortable with, and that is what our minds decide without our knowing (modus operandi).

According to REI theory, every mind, who manages to overtake the other two in the society and prevail with their values, creates his own mechanisms to dominate the other two. From the time of the industrial revolution, we are witnesses of the development of the educational system in the shape of which has not been developed in history yet. Hardly anyone will disagree, that this system is not necessary and useful, that does not bring only good things and that knowledge is not the value of the modern time.

Education is a really important value, but is it so clean as it looks like?

REI theory reveals that people can be divided into 12+1 different personalities — each of those represent one human character. A fair educational system should work for all of the characters equally — that means it should be assembled independently according to all the human characters because we don’t choose how we will think.

The first thing that every schoolchild faces is the subject schedule. The subject schedule represents a plan of work, and to follow a schedule it is important to be able to know time planning. The pupil has to adjust to the school subjects, have them arranged in mind, and get used to the work with defined tasks. For two of our three minds, this is something they don’t know. The basic of Emotion thinking is improvisation, so he doesn’t plan anything. Instinct however uses creativity in his thinking, which means, that in every situation regularly detects a variety of options and ways of thinking. But not first nor the second way of thinking is desirable in the modern educational system. The pupil is forced to learn things, to accept knowledge in a form of definitions or formulas, and in a predetermined time, he has to present them to the teacher, for which the pupil receives a rating. At this stage, we can figure out that 6 out of 13 characters will have fewer problems as other 7. Those are the kids, which have in their character leading Reason — and this is also the mind that rules modern society. The subjects that are Reasons value (mathematic and linguistic) are the most important. Those who think with Emotion (sport, art, musicians, actors), or those who think with Instinct (household, animal, people care, creativity), are in the background or are even unnecessary.

The following picture is proof that people have before successfully recognized different thinking. REI theory is the first theory, which can successfully categorize all of the people. Oh… and I cannot forget! One of the school subjects will be also to learn about different thinking characters and how to accept them. Nothing hard but very important for the future of humankind. One of the things that I should not forget to mention is intelligence tests. The testing was invented by Reason. The test is adjusted the way, that those with high developed Reason will have the best scores. The one who has not any less developed Instinct is on those tests rated as below average. Emotion thinking people have a little more success, because in the intelligence tests there are included also tasks with pictures. If we want to find out the actual intelligence of people, we have to assemble those tests entirely from the beginning and instead of one universal intelligence seek for three independent ones.

Does the whole thing go by coincidence or can we recognize the system, that systematically filters the ones, which will have all the doors open to the world of power and decisions for others? It is clear, that the educational system that is set today prefers chosen values and a specific way of thinking. Only those who subordinate to this system, can break through and get a better place in high schools and are later, of course with represented better rang of their work, accepted on universities. Diploma these days represents the key, without which, you can never achieve society responsible or decisive profession — managers, engineers, scientists, teachers, professors, judges, doctors, pharmacists, financiers, architects lawyers, etc, … This method is also chosen from those who work in schools and universities because this way of thinking is close to them — and in the future, all those people will form a school system by the same principle, criteria, and value of thinking. This way Reason establishes his power and domination on the society level.

And what happens to those who Reasons system cannot or will not accept? Those are the people who complete only elementary school, and you can guess where you will find those people working — on less socially valued professions. And this is why our educational system is not fair. The solution isn’t in the discontinue of the existing educational system but its transformation. The education should be regulated in the compliance of human nature, which means it has to be a three-way value system. This way the education will be split into three different areas, in the beginning, the first one is Reasons as we know it already and the second and the third will be the Instincts and Emotions area.

Emotions area will focus on visual — aesthetic subjects (visual creativity in every aspect) and motoric — movement subjects (athletics). The musicians and composers will also fall into the Emotions area. Instincts area is everything connected with welfare and social work, care for others, and creativity. The pupils will learn by those subjects about the kids with special needs, they will care for plants and animals and work in creative workshops. All three areas must be split and based on the model of their corresponding mind. The critical key will be, that for the higher level of education, not only the Reasons way of solving tasks will decide. An individual will be qualified by overall rang in the area in which he has the most success. But in the other two, the condition will be only that he achieves adequate rang. And that will be a fair educational system per key of REI theory.



Tade Brunsek

Truth seeker and a life coach. Music enthusiast and a life lerner.